Help Dezirae start her family with IVF
Help Dezirae start her family with IVF
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go
Dezirae Elkins is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
My name is Dezirae Elkins. I am a woman in my late 40’s hopeful to have a baby. I have never tried to have a baby as I was waiting to meet the man of my dreams and get married and we would make a family together. With each passing year, I feel farther and farther away from my dream of being a mother. I feel as I have missed the boat. I have dreamt of being a mom since I was little and I crave a family so much. I long to have a little voice call me mommy. Due to my advanced age, the fertility specialist says I will need to go through IVF for my dream to come true. My health insurance does not cover fertility treatments and as you may know IVF is very expensive. I could borrow the money via a loan but I think that will makes matters harder for me financially after my baby gets here…..Which is why I am creating this fundraiser to help me achieve my dream. With your generosity and kindness I may have the chance to hear a little voice say Mama.
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Dezirae Elkins is organizing this fundraiser.